The major works under taken by the Statistical Cell in the Directorate is shown below:
Fisheries Information and Management System (FIMS)
FIMS is a Web enabled work flow-based system for building up of online fisher folk Family Register (FFR) for the implementation & monitoring of welfare schemes/services and to transfer the benefit to the bank account of the beneficiaries using DBT. The system has four major components which are (i) Creation of fishermen database (ii) MIS for fishermen welfare schemes (iii) Electronic direct benefit transfer of subsidy/relief/assistance to the beneficiaries bank account using E.DBT and (iv) online submission of new applications for various services required for fisher folk. The Fisher folk Family Register includes the basic details of fisher folk viz. Address, Aadhaar, Bank Account, Education Status, Occupation, Fishing Vessels owned by the fisher folk, details of Family members, etc which are required for processing various schemes / services imparted by the Department.
Socio Economic Census
The Census is based on Geographic Information System (GIS) . Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer based information system designed to work with spatially referenced data. Unique visualization and geographic analysis abilities distinguish GIS from other information systems and make it valuable for explaining events, predicting outcomes and planning strategies. Hence, GIS is looked upon as a tool which assists in decision making and management of attributes that needs to be analyzed spatially.
The objective of the Census is to collect the data on the basic characters of the all the fisher folk families of Kerala in both the Marine sector and Inland sector including allied workers and pensioners namely demographic particulars, economic condition, occupational details, health & illness, education, housing condition, assets, basic infrastructure details, etc. of both Marine and Inland sector population. These details shall be uploaded in the Web Application developed for the purpose which will help to generate various types of socio-economic indicators of fisher folk families.
Marine Catch Assessment Survey
Marine fish production in kerala is estimated from Marine Catch assessment Survey and is conducted in the 9 marine districts. The methodology used for the survey is Multistage Stratified Random Sampling Technique developed by CMFRI.
As per the MoU on 16.1.2019 between State Fisheries department and CMFRI, it has been decided that both will jointly do the Marine Catch assessment Survey for reducing the variations in the estimation of marine fish production.
Inland Catch Assessment Survey
Inland fish production in kerala is estimated from Inland Catch assessment Survey and is conducted in all the 14 districts. The methodology used for this survey is also Multistage Stratified Random Sampling Technique.
Fish production by capture and culture is collected from this survey for estimating inland fish production. For this purpose we collect the data from brackish water area and fresh water area.
Data collection from Fresh water fish production
The enumerator collects the catch data from the following categories also.
- Production from culture
- Production from reservoirs, check dams, rivers, lakes, etc.
The final data estimation, processing and analysis is carried out by Statistical cell of the State Fisheries department and estimating the species wise inland fish production data are generated monthly and consolidated quarterly for submission to Govt. Of India.
Collection and compilation of aquaculture data from all the farmers in all the districts on monthly basis.
Panchayat wise data of aquaculture are collected from each panchayat by aqua culture promoters and coordinators and forwarded to district offices for further transmission of data to directorate in prescribed format. Data consolidated quarterly and furnished to Govt. Of India.
Collection and compilation Fish seed / Fingerlings production data of Kerala.
Fish Seed Production data is collected from 15 Department Hatcheries, 4 Matsyafed Hatcheries and 9 ADAK hatcheries. Seed production data is collected monthly and consolidated in Quarterly basis and submitted to Govt of India on Quarterly basis.
Preparation of Annual Administration Reports
Annual Administration Reports are published on yearly basisi. Notes and Data from 75 sub offices, agencies are collected and compiled in the section. There is a backlog in printing of Annual administration reports. Annual Administration reports for the year 2018- 19 is being prepared. The section has decided to publish all the pending Administration reports in a time bound manner.
Preparation of Plan Progress Reports and monitoring in Plan Space.
The Nodal officers of the 14 districts are entrusted with updation of Plan Progress reports in the districts in the Plan space Software. Monitoring of both physical and financial progress as well as updation of financial progress in the directorate are done by the Statistical cell .
Publication of Fisheries HandBook
Efforts are underway to complete Hand Book 2024 by including information in the comprehensive field of Fisheries Department, Fisheries at a Glance (Brochure) and Annual Administration Report.
Proposed Input Cost Survey of Fisheries Department.
The Study Group on Primary Sector of State Income statistics in its 2 review meeting has recommended Fisheries department to conduct an Input Cost Survey of both Marine & Inland sector to revised the present rates and ratios in State Income calculation which are far from reality in the present context. It has been proposed to conduct an Input Cost survey of the Marine & Inland sector using the services of the field staff of the Fisheries department. Stratified Random Sampling method may be used for centre selection.
Data for preparation of Economic Review, Subject Committee reports, State Income Calculation, Gender Statistics, Citizen Charter are also prepared and furnished by the Statistical Cell.