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ഫിഷറീസ് വാർഷിക പദ്ധതി 2021-22



                   2022 നവംബർ മാസം വരെയുള്ള പദ്ധതി പുരോഗതി

Head of Account Budget  Provision ( lakhs) Financial Expenditure
Expenditure upto the previous month (Rs in lakhs) Expenditue for the month (Rs in lakhs) Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. In lakhs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
State Plan Schemes              
1 Setting up of Nurseries 2405-00-101-87            500.00              90.26 11.45              101.71 20.34
2 Conservation & management of fish resources (Inland fisheries) 2405-00-101-62            500.00            120.17 47.69              167.86 33.57
3 Aquaculture development  2405-00-101-54         6,662.00         2,458.14 207.01           2,665.15 40.01
4 Aquatic Animal Health Surveillance & Management 2405-00-101-52            100.00 0.14 1.36 1.50 1.50
5 Reservior Fisheries development 2405-00-101-51            200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 Cleaning of Vembanadu Lake 2405-00-101-50            100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Aquaculture extension activities 2405-00-101-48            711.00 0.72 35.64 36.36 5.11
8 Conservation & management of fish resources (Marine fisheries) 2405-00-103-91            900.00 324.74 110.64  435.38 48.38
9 Marine ambulance for the security of fishermen  2405-00-103-86            250.00 119.81 1.76 121.57 48.63
10 NCDC Assisted Fisheries Development Project Phase II 2405-00-103-82            100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Basic Infrastructure facilities and human development of fisherfolk 2405-00-103-80         3,600.00  1,458.17 368.86 1,827.03 50.75
12 Sea safety and Sea rescue operations 2405-00-103-76            550.00   216.66 22.80     239.46 43.54
13 Mariculture activities 2405-00-103-70              10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14 Modernisation of Fish Markets, post harvest activities 2405-00-105-86            350.00  7.08 0.00  7.08 2.02
15 Extension & Modernisation of department, strengthening of Training centres 2405-00-109-91            180.00   42.28 22.11   64.40 35.78
16 Modernisation of Trditional fishing Crafts 2405-00-110-98            150.00 88.34 0.00 88.34 58.89
17 Insurance scheme for Allied workers engaged in fishery related activities -FSH046 2405-00-121-96            150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
18 National Fishermen welfare fund assisted Savings cum Relief Scheme to Fishermen 2405-00-121-93         3,500.00 2636.25 0.00 2636.25 75.32
19 Group Insurance scheme for fishermen 2405-00-121-92         1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 Kerala Aqua ventures international Limited (Kavil) 2405-00-190-95            100.00 45.27 0.00 45.27 45.27
21 Insurance coverage of fishing implements 2405-00-800-27            200.00 0.57 20.17 20.74 10.37
22 Setting up of Nursaries 4405-00-101-95         1,000.00            184.43 22.92 207.34 20.73
23 Integrated Fisheries Development Project (NCDC 100%) 4405-00-103-98            100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
24 Basic Infra structural facilities and Human development of fisherfolk 4405-00-103-93         2,000.00         1,672.81 110.95 1,783.76 89.19
25 PUNARGAEHAM 4405-00-103-89         1,600.00         4,039.86 21.61  4,061.47 253.84
26 Integrated Coastal Area Development Project RIDF 4405-00-104-53         2,000.00 203.47 0.00 203.47 10.17
27 Completion of ongoing works of Aqua culture & Training Centres and establishment / strengthining of matsyabhavans 4405-00-109-98            120.00 3.60 0.00 3.60 3.00
28 SEED capital for NBCFDC & NMDFC Schemes 4405-00-190-97            100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  State Plan Total         26,733.00       13,712.77         1,004.97         14,717.74 55.05
Other CSS              
29 BLUE REVOLUTION-INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF FISHERIES(60%CSS) 2405-00-103-77         2,000.00 3.17 0.00     3.17 0.16
  Other CSS Total           2,000.00 3.17 0.00      3.17 0.16
100%Centrally Sponsored Schemes            
30 NCDC assisted Integrated Fisheries Development Project 6405-00-195-99         1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  100% CSS Total           1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
      29,933.00    13,715.94       1,004.97 14,720.91 49.18

2022 ഒക്ടോബർ മാസം വരെയുള്ള ആസൂത്രണ പുരോഗതി

Sl. No Name of Scheme  Head of Account Budget  Provision ( lakhs) Financial Expenditure
Expenditure upto the previous month (Rs in lakhs) Expenditue for the month (Rs in lakhs) Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. In lakhs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
State Plan Schemes              
1 Setting up of Nurseries 2405-00-101-87               500.00 85.99 4.28 90.26 18.05
2 Conservation & management of fish resources (Inland fisheries) 2405-00-101-62               500.00 21.59 98.57 120.17 24.03
3 Aquaculture development  2405-00-101-54            6,662.00 2,250.46 207.68 2,458.14 36.90
4 Aquatic Animal Health Surveillance & Management 2405-00-101-52               100.00 0.00 0.14 0.14 0.14
5 Reservior Fisheries development 2405-00-101-51               200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 Cleaning of Vembanadu Lake 2405-00-101-50               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Aquaculture extension activities 2405-00-101-48               711.00 0.00 0.72 0.72 0.10
8 Conservation & management of fish resources (Marine fisheries) 2405-00-103-91               900.00 265.21 59.53 324.74 36.08
9 Marine ambulance for the security of fishermen  2405-00-103-86               250.00 96.48 23.33 119.81 47.92
10 NCDC Assisted Fisheries Development Project Phase II 2405-00-103-82               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Basic Infrastructure facilities and human development of fisherfolk 2405-00-103-80            3,600.00              927.82 530.35 1,458.17 40.50
12 Sea safety and Sea rescue operations 2405-00-103-76               550.00              215.13 1.53 216.66 39.39
13 Mariculture activities 2405-00-103-70                 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14 Modernisation of Fish Markets, post harvest activities 2405-00-105-86               350.00                  7.08 0.00 7.08 2.02
15 Extension & Modernisation of department, strengthening of Training centres 2405-00-109-91               180.00                42.28 0.00 42.28 23.49
16 Modernisation of Trditional fishing Crafts 2405-00-110-98               150.00 0.00 88.34 88.34 58.89
17 Insurance scheme for Allied workers engaged in fishery related activities -FSH046 2405-00-121-96               150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
18 National Fishermen welfare fund assisted Savings cum Relief Scheme to Fishermen 2405-00-121-93            3,500.00 2636.25 0.00 2636.25 75.32
19 Group Insurance scheme for fishermen 2405-00-121-92            1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 Kerala Aqua ventures international Limited (Kavil) 2405-00-190-95               100.00 45.27 0.00 45.27 45.27
21 Insurance coverage of fishing implements 2405-00-800-27               200.00 0.00 0.57 0.57 0.29
22 Setting up of Nursaries 4405-00-101-95            1,000.00              184.43 0.00 184.43 18.44
23 Integrated Fisheries Development Project (NCDC 100%) 4405-00-103-98               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
24 Basic Infra structural facilities and Human development of fisherfolk 4405-00-103-93            2,000.00           1,238.11 434.70 1,672.81 83.64
25 PUNARGAEHAM 4405-00-103-89            1,600.00           3,522.43 517.43 4,039.86 252.49
26 Integrated Coastal Area Development Project RIDF 4405-00-104-53            2,000.00 203.47 0.00 203.47 10.17
27 Completion of ongoing works of Aqua culture & Training Centres and establishment / strengthining of matsyabhavans 4405-00-109-98               120.00 0.54 3.06 3.60 3.00
28 SEED capital for NBCFDC & NMDFC Schemes 4405-00-190-97               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  State Plan Total            26,733.00         11,742.54              1,970.24            13,712.78 51.30
Other CSS              
29 BLUE REVOLUTION-INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF FISHERIES(60%CSS) 2405-00-103-77            2,000.00 3.17                        -                       3.17 0.16
  Other CSS Total              2,000.00 3.17                        -                       3.17 0.16
100%Centrally Sponsored Schemes            
30 NCDC assisted Integrated Fisheries Development Project 6405-00-195-99            1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  100% CSS Total              1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  FisheriesGRAND TOTAL            29,933.00         11,745.71              1,970.24            13,715.95 45.82



2022 സെപ്റ്റംബർ മാസം വരെയുള്ള പദ്ധതി പുരോഗതി


Sl. No Name of Scheme  Head of Account Budget  Provision ( lakhs) Financial Expenditure
Expenditure upto the previous month (Rs in lakhs) Expenditue for the month (Rs in lakhs) Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. In lakhs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
State Plan Schemes              
1 Setting up of Nurseries 2405-00-101-87               500.00                65.19 20.80                   85.99 17.20
2 Conservation & management of fish resources (Inland fisheries) 2405-00-101-62               500.00                20.06 1.54                   21.59 4.32
3 Aquaculture development  2405-00-101-54            6,662.00           1,900.07 350.39              2,250.46 33.78
4 Aquatic Animal Health Surveillance & Management 2405-00-101-52               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Reservior Fisheries development 2405-00-101-51               200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 Cleaning of Vembanadu Lake 2405-00-101-50               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Aquaculture extension activities 2405-00-101-48               711.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Conservation & management of fish resources (Marine fisheries) 2405-00-103-91               900.00              237.75 27.46                 265.21 29.47
9 Marine ambulance for the security of fishermen  2405-00-103-86               250.00 77.44 19.04 96.48 38.59
10 NCDC Assisted Fisheries Development Project Phase II 2405-00-103-82               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Basic Infrastructure facilities and human development of fisherfolk 2405-00-103-80            3,600.00              904.62 23.20                 927.82 25.77
12 Sea safety and Sea rescue operations 2405-00-103-76               550.00              215.13 0.00                 215.13 39.12
13 Mariculture activities 2405-00-103-70                 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14 Modernisation of Fish Markets, post harvest activities 2405-00-105-86               350.00                  7.08 0.00                     7.08 2.02
15 Extension & Modernisation of department, strengthening of Training centres 2405-00-109-91               180.00                34.37 7.91                   42.28 23.49
16 Modernisation of Trditional fishing Crafts 2405-00-110-98               150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
17 Insurance scheme for Allied workers engaged in fishery related activities -FSH046 2405-00-121-96               150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
18 National Fishermen welfare fund assisted Savings cum Relief Scheme to Fishermen 2405-00-121-93            3,500.00 2636.25 0.00 2636.25 75.32
19 Group Insurance scheme for fishermen 2405-00-121-92            1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 Kerala Aqua ventures international Limited (Kavil) 2405-00-190-95               100.00 45.27 0.00 45.27 45.27
21 Insurance coverage of fishing implements 2405-00-800-27               200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
22 Setting up of Nursaries 4405-00-101-95            1,000.00              170.49 13.93                 184.43 18.44
23 Integrated Fisheries Development Project (NCDC 100%) 4405-00-103-98               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
24 Basic Infra structural facilities and Human development of fisherfolk 4405-00-103-93            2,000.00           1,014.90 223.22              1,238.11 61.91
25 PUNARGAEHAM 4405-00-103-89            1,600.00           2,352.81 1169.62              3,522.43 220.15
26 Integrated Coastal Area Development Project RIDF 4405-00-104-53            2,000.00 203.47 0.00 203.47 10.17
27 Completion of ongoing works of Aqua culture & Training Centres and establishment / strengthining of matsyabhavans 4405-00-109-98               120.00 0.54 0.00 0.54 0.45
28 SEED capital for NBCFDC & NMDFC Schemes 4405-00-190-97               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  State Plan Total            26,733.00           9,885.43              1,857.11            11,742.54 43.93
Other CSS              
29 BLUE REVOLUTION-INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF FISHERIES(60%CSS) 2405-00-103-77            2,000.00 3.17                        -                       3.17 0.16
  Other CSS Total              2,000.00 3.17                        -                       3.17 0.16
100%Centrally Sponsored Schemes            
30 NCDC assisted Integrated Fisheries Development Project 6405-00-195-99            1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  100% CSS Total              1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  FisheriesGRAND TOTAL            29,933.00           9,888.60              1,857.11            11,745.71 39.24


2022 ഓഗസ്റ്റ് മാസം വരെയുള്ള പദ്ധതി പുരോഗതി

Sl. No Name of Scheme  Head of Account Budget  Provision ( lakhs) Financial Expenditure
Expenditure upto the previous month (Rs in lakhs) Expenditue for the month (Rs in lakhs) Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. In lakhs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
State Plan Schemes              
1 Setting up of Nurseries 2405-00-101-87               500.00                65.00 0.19                   65.19 13.04
2 Conservation & management of fish resources (Inland fisheries) 2405-00-101-62               500.00                11.78 8.28                   20.06 4.01
3 Aquaculture development  2405-00-101-54            6,662.00           1,573.31 326.76              1,900.07 28.52
4 Aquatic Animal Health Surveillance & Management 2405-00-101-52               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Reservior Fisheries development 2405-00-101-51               200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 Cleaning of Vembanadu Lake 2405-00-101-50               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Aquaculture extension activities 2405-00-101-48               711.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Conservation & management of fish resources (Marine fisheries) 2405-00-103-91               900.00              161.30 76.45                 237.75 26.42
9 Marine ambulance for the security of fishermen  2405-00-103-86               250.00 46.41 31.03 77.44 30.97
10 NCDC Assisted Fisheries Development Project Phase II 2405-00-103-82               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Basic Infrastructure facilities and human development of fisherfolk 2405-00-103-80            3,600.00              849.26 55.36                 904.62 25.13
12 Sea safety and Sea rescue operations 2405-00-103-76               550.00              179.74 35.39                 215.13 39.12
13 Mariculture activities 2405-00-103-70                 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14 Modernisation of Fish Markets, post harvest activities 2405-00-105-86               350.00                  4.00 3.08                     7.08 2.02
15 Extension & Modernisation of department, strengthening of Training centres 2405-00-109-91               180.00                25.94 8.43                   34.37 19.10
16 Modernisation of Trditional fishing Crafts 2405-00-110-98               150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
17 Insurance scheme for Allied workers engaged in fishery related activities -FSH046 2405-00-121-96               150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
18 National Fishermen welfare fund assisted Savings cum Relief Scheme to Fishermen 2405-00-121-93            3,500.00 0.00 2636.25 2636.25 75.32
19 Group Insurance scheme for fishermen 2405-00-121-92            1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 Kerala Aqua ventures international Limited (Kavil) 2405-00-190-95               100.00 15.27 30.00 45.27 45.27
21 Insurance coverage of fishing implements 2405-00-800-27               200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
22 Setting up of Nursaries 4405-00-101-95            1,000.00              139.83 30.67                 170.49 17.05
23 Integrated Fisheries Development Project (NCDC 100%) 4405-00-103-98               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
24 Basic Infra structural facilities and Human development of fisherfolk 4405-00-103-93            2,000.00              842.87 172.03              1,014.90 50.74
25 PUNARGAEHAM 4405-00-103-89            1,600.00           1,538.65 814.16              2,352.81 147.05
26 Integrated Coastal Area Development Project RIDF 4405-00-104-53            2,000.00 203.47 0.00 203.47 10.17
27 Completion of ongoing works of Aqua culture & Training Centres and establishment / strengthining of matsyabhavans 4405-00-109-98               120.00 0.54 0.00 0.54 0.45
28 SEED capital for NBCFDC & NMDFC Schemes 4405-00-190-97               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  State Plan Total            26,733.00           5,657.36              4,228.07              9,885.43 36.98
Other CSS              
29 BLUE REVOLUTION-INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF FISHERIES(60%CSS) 2405-00-103-77            2,000.00 3.17                        -                       3.17 0.16
  Other CSS Total              2,000.00 3.17                        -                       3.17 0.16
100%Centrally Sponsored Schemes            
30 NCDC assisted Integrated Fisheries Development Project 6405-00-195-99            1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  100% CSS Total              1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  FisheriesGRAND TOTAL            29,933.00           5,660.53              4,228.07              9,888.60 33.04


2022 ജൂലൈ മാസം വരെയുള്ള പദ്ധതി പുരോഗതി

Sl. No Name of Scheme  Head of Account Budget  Provision ( lakhs) Financial Expenditure
Expenditure upto the previous month (Rs in lakhs) Expenditue for the month (Rs in lakhs) Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. In lakhs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
State Plan Schemes              
1 Setting up of Nurseries 2405-00-101-87               500.00                66.32 0.68                   67.00 13.40
2 Conservation & management of fish resources (Inland fisheries) 2405-00-101-62               500.00                  9.77 2.01                   11.78 2.36
3 Aquaculture development - FSH180 2405-00-101-54            6,662.00           1,429.06 144.25              1,573.31 23.62
4 Aquatic Animal Health Surveillance & Management 2405-00-101-52               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Reservior Fisheries development 2405-00-101-51               200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 Cleaning of Vembanadu Lake 2405-00-101-50               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Aquaculture extension activities 2405-00-101-48               711.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Conservation & management of fish resources (Marine fisheries) 2405-00-103-91               900.00              109.61 51.69                 161.30 17.92
9 Marine ambulance for the security of fishermen - FSH147 2405-00-103-86               250.00 38.52 7.89 46.41 18.56
10 NCDC Assisted Fisheries Development Project Phase II 2405-00-103-82               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Basic Infrastructure facilities and human development of fisherfolk 2405-00-103-80            3,600.00              810.41 38.85                 849.26 23.59
12 Sea safety and Sea rescue operations 2405-00-103-76               550.00              179.74 0.00                 179.74 32.68
13 Mariculture activities 2405-00-103-70                 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14 Modernisation of Fish Markets, post harvest activities 2405-00-105-86               350.00                  4.00 0.00                     4.00 1.14
15 Extension & Modernisation of department, strengthening of Training centres 2405-00-109-91               180.00                25.45 0.49                   25.94 14.41
16 Modernisation of Trditional fishing Crafts 2405-00-110-98               150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
17 Insurance scheme for Allied workers engaged in fishery related activities -FSH046 2405-00-121-96               150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
18 National Fishermen welfare fund assisted Savings cum Relief Scheme to Fishermen 2405-00-121-93            3,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
19 Group Insurance scheme for fishermen 2405-00-121-92            1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 Kerala Aqua ventures international Limited (Kavil) 2405-00-190-95               100.00 15.26 0.01 15.27 15.27
21 Insurance coverage of fishing implements 2405-00-800-27               200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
22 Setting up of Nursaries 4405-00-101-95            1,000.00              139.83 0.00                 139.83 13.98
23 Integrated Fisheries Development Project (NCDC 100%) 4405-00-103-98               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
24 Basic Infra structural facilities and Human development of fisherfolk 4405-00-103-93            2,000.00              790.82 52.05                 842.87 42.14
25 PUNARGAEHAM 4405-00-103-89            1,600.00           1,374.18 164.47              1,538.65 96.17
26 Integrated Coastal Area Development Project RIDF 4405-00-104-53            2,000.00 203.47 0.00 203.47 10.17
27 Completion of ongoing works of Aqua culture & Training Centres and establishment / strengthining of matsyabhavans 4405-00-109-98               120.00 0.49 0.05 0.54 0.45
28 SEED capital for NBCFDC & NMDFC Schemes 4405-00-190-97               100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  State Plan Total            26,733.00           5,196.93                 462.43              5,659.36 21.17
Other CSS              
29 BLUE REVOLUTION-INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF FISHERIES(60%CSS) 2405-00-103-77            2,000.00 0.00                     3.17                     3.17 0.16
  Other CSS Total              2,000.00 0.00                     3.17                     3.17 0.16
100%Centrally Sponsored Schemes            
30 NCDC assisted Integrated Fisheries Development Project 6405-00-195-99            1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  100% CSS Total              1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  FisheriesGRAND TOTAL            29,933.00           5,196.93                 465.60              5,662.53 18.92


2022 ജൂൺ മാസം വരെയുള്ള പുരോഗതി ആസൂത്രണം ചെയ്യുക

Sl. No Name of Scheme  Head of Account Budget  Provision ( lakhs) Financial Expenditure
Expenditure upto the previous month (Rs in lakhs) Expenditue for the month (Rs in lakhs) Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. In lakhs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
State Plan Schemes              
1 Setting up of Nurseries 2405-00-101-87               500.00 26.18                   40.14                   66.32 13.26
2 Conservation & management of fish resources (Inland fisheries) 2405-00-101-62               500.00                  6.31                     3.46                     9.77 1.95
3 Aquaculture development - FSH180 2405-00-101-54            6,662.00              894.44                 534.62              1,429.06 21.45
4 Aquatic Animal Health Surveillance & Management 2405-00-101-52               100.00                      -                          -   0.00 0.00
5 Reservior Fisheries development 2405-00-101-51               200.00                      -                          -   0.00 0.00
6 Cleaning of Vembanadu Lake 2405-00-101-50               100.00                      -                          -   0.00 0.00
7 Aquaculture extension activities 2405-00-101-48               711.00                      -                          -   0.00 0.00
8 Conservation & management of fish resources (Marine fisheries) 2405-00-103-91               900.00                10.00                   99.61                 109.61 12.18
9 Marine ambulance for the security of fishermen - FSH147 2405-00-103-86               250.00                      -                     38.52 38.52 15.41
10 NCDC Assisted Fisheries Development Project Phase II 2405-00-103-82               100.00                      -                          -   0.00 0.00
11 Basic Infrastructure facilities and human development of fisherfolk 2405-00-103-80            3,600.00                12.23                 798.18                 810.41 22.51
12 Sea safety and Sea rescue operations 2405-00-103-76               550.00              177.99                     1.75                 179.74 32.68
13 Mariculture activities 2405-00-103-70                 10.00                      -                          -   0.00 0.00
14 Modernisation of Fish Markets, post harvest activities 2405-00-105-86               350.00                  4.00                   -0.00                     4.00 1.14
15 Extension & Modernisation of department, strengthening of Training centres 2405-00-109-91               180.00                24.02                     1.43                   25.45 14.14
16 Modernisation of Trditional fishing Crafts 2405-00-110-98               150.00                      -                          -   0.00 0.00
17 Insurance scheme for Allied workers engaged in fishery related activities -FSH046 2405-00-121-96               150.00                      -                          -   0.00 0.00
18 National Fishermen welfare fund assisted Savings cum Relief Scheme to Fishermen 2405-00-121-93            3,500.00                      -                          -   0.00 0.00
19 Group Insurance scheme for fishermen 2405-00-121-92            1,000.00                      -                          -   0.00 0.00
20 Kerala Aqua ventures international Limited (Kavil) 2405-00-190-95               100.00                      -                     15.26 15.26 15.26
21 Insurance coverage of fishing implements 2405-00-800-27               200.00                      -                          -   0.00 0.00
22 Setting up of Nursaries 4405-00-101-95            1,000.00                  9.63                 130.20                 139.83 13.98
23 Integrated Fisheries Development Project (NCDC 100%) 4405-00-103-98               100.00                50.23                     0.00                   50.23 50.23
24 Basic Infra structural facilities and Human development of fisherfolk 4405-00-103-93            2,000.00              749.30                   41.52                 790.82 39.54
25 PUNARGAEHAM 4405-00-103-89            1,600.00                72.94              1,301.24              1,374.18 85.89
26 Integrated Coastal Area Development Project RIDF 4405-00-104-53            2,000.00                      -                   203.47 203.47 10.17
27 Completion of ongoing works of Aqua culture & Training Centres and establishment / strengthining of matsyabhavans 4405-00-109-98               120.00                      -                       0.49 0.49 0.41
28 SEED capital for NBCFDC & NMDFC Schemes 4405-00-190-97               100.00                      -                          -   0.00 0.00
  State Plan Total            26,733.00           2,037.27              3,209.89              5,247.16 19.63
Other CSS                            -                          -      
29 BLUE REVOLUTION-INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF FISHERIES(60%CSS) 2405-00-103-77            2,000.00 35.00                     4.00                   39.00 1.95
  Other CSS Total              2,000.00                35.00                     4.00                   39.00 1.95
100%Centrally Sponsored Schemes            
30 NCDC assisted Integrated Fisheries Development Project 6405-00-195-99            1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  100% CSS Total              1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  FisheriesGRAND TOTAL            29,933.00           2,072.27              3,213.89              5,286.16 17.66



2022 മെയ് മാസം വരെയുള്ള പുരോഗതി ആസൂത്രണം ചെയ്യുക

Sl. No Name of Scheme  Head of Account Budget  Provision ( lakhs) Financial Expenditure
Expenditure upto the previous month (Rs in lakhs) Expenditue for the month (Rs in lakhs) Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. In lakhs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
State Plan Schemes              
1 Setting up of Nurseries 2405-00-101-87               500.00 0.00                   26.18                   26.18 5.24
2 Conservation & management of fish resources (Inland fisheries) 2405-00-101-62               500.00                  3.75                     2.56                     6.31 1.26
3 Aquaculture development - FSH180 2405-00-101-54            6,662.00              200.44                 694.00                 894.44 13.43
4 Aquatic Animal Health Surveillance & Management 2405-00-101-52               100.00   0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Reservior Fisheries development 2405-00-101-51               200.00   0.00 0.00 0.00
6 Cleaning of Vembanadu Lake 2405-00-101-50               100.00   0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Aquaculture extension activities 2405-00-101-48               711.00   0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Conservation & management of fish resources (Marine fisheries) 2405-00-103-91               900.00                  0.25                     9.75                   10.00 1.11
9 Marine ambulance for the security of fishermen - FSH147 2405-00-103-86               250.00     0.00 0.00
10 NCDC Assisted Fisheries Development Project Phase II 2405-00-103-82               100.00     0.00 0.00
11 Basic Infrastructure facilities and human development of fisherfolk 2405-00-103-80            3,600.00                     12.23                   12.23 0.34
12 Sea safety and Sea rescue operations 2405-00-103-76               550.00              177.74                     0.25                 177.99 32.36
13 Mariculture activities 2405-00-103-70                 10.00     0.00 0.00
14 Modernisation of Fish Markets, post harvest activities 2405-00-105-86               350.00                  4.00