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          Development  of Fisheries Sector through Co-operatives has been an ongoing  agenda of  Kerala state, as the  co-operative sector has been playing a vital role in the process of socio economic development of  Kerala with special focus on fisher population and their livelihood. Presently there are 997 fishery co-operatives registered under the control of Registrar of Fisheries Co-operative societies in various  promotional activities in the sector.   This  include marine, inland, women, SC/ST and Fish Farmers fishermen co-operatives.   The  Kerala  State co-operative  Federation for Fisheries Development Ltd  (Matsyafed) is functioning  as the Federation of the Primary co-operatives in Kerala. 702 fishery co-operatives are affiliated to Matsyafed at present.

With regard’s  to the Co-operative Societies of various types comprised within the administrative jurisdiction of the Department of  Fisheries. Following are the works and functions to be discharged which includes statutory and non statutory functions.   Presently  duties and responsibilities  assigned to the fisheries Co-operative personals are exercising all statutory functions  under the Kerala Co-operative  Societies  Act  1969.   Administration, Supervision, inspection and development functions of Fisheries Co-operatives  are being carried out by the Co-operative wing of the Department as Detailed below.

  1. Registration of new societies.
  2. Amendment of bye – laws of fisheries  Co-operatives.
  3. Supervision, Routine inspection and periodical checking of societies and preparation  of Inspection reports.
  4. Rectification of inspection report and audit report.
  5. Statutory enquiry  under section 65, 68 and Statutory inspection under section 66 of  KCS  Act.
  6. Conduct of  election to the Board  of  Directors  of the Societies.
  7. Attending Arbitration  cases and issuing Awards.
  8. Execution of  Awards.
  9. To ensure proper administrative  and financial  management of the  societies. 
  10. To guide the  Board of  Directors and staff for better management.
  11. To conduct awareness classes to the Board of Directors, staff and member  in Co-operative principles and  management.
  12.  Collection of data for  NFDB, NABARD, NCDC, NMDFC, NBCDFC,  Central  Government,  State Government  and other agencies related to Co-operative sector.
  13. Annual stock verification of societies.
  14. Administration and management of  societies as administrator appointed under section 33 of KCS Act.
  15. Complete statutory works related to liquidation of societies brought under liquidation.
  16. Appointment of sale officers and attachment of assets.



  3. REGISTRAR/ JOINT DIRECTOR- (3 ZONAL)    -         3






         TOTAL    -         52

Kerala State co-operative Federation for fishermen Development  (Matsyafed)  set up in 1984 and took up the task of organizing them into Fishermen Welfare and Development co-operative societies in 1990s.   The Matsyafed  has emerged as a pillar of strength  and support of fisher folk  of the state.

          As the  fish workers are socially backward and economically very poor they  need assistance at all stages of their operation.  The unwritten privilege of access rights of this  section to the  sea and to the living resources  of the sea have been tampered by changing economic scene.  Competition from large vessels,  environmental  damage, human rights violation are certain serious problems faced in the  fisheries  sector.  Co-operatives are the best organization to  accelerate  the socio  economic condition of fish worker to a certain extent.   Co-operative can provide better financial and technical  assistance, better marketing facilities and help the elimination of middle men.    Co-operatives can help to fight from human rights violation against  fish workers.  They provides  the best chance for development of fish workers.  Services of  fishery co-operatives also include credit, marketing etc.

          The State of  Kerala implemented the programmes  for strengthening the co-operative set up as a whole to ensure the need of  fisher folk.  Government have providing timely and adequate interest for funding to fishermen for purchase of inputs like: powered outboard/inboard motor and other modern fishing implements, better designed fish craft ensuring safety at sea.   The Government of  Kerala with better intervention ensures the enhancement of  market efficiency of domestic fish marketing.  Making available good quality fuel and lubricants  for enhancing  the life of fishing  implements.   All these developments and facilities through  fishermen co-operatives with the apex federations initiative.

          To streamline and strengthen the activities of societies, the following support were envisaged to be provided by department through  Theeronnathi  Project to Fishermen Development & Welfare Co-operative Societies presently not having such facilities.




          The Fisheries Co-operative through self help group of fisherwomen provide employment opportunities and better value realization for the  products like, pickle, Rice powder, dried fish, etc.

          The mission and vision of  Matsyafed as the  apex federation 702 primary co-operative in the State is to help  the traditional fisher folk of Kerala to improve their social and economic well being through direct  intervention in production,  procurement, marketing, technical logical  advancements and capacity.     

          Over the last three decades, Matsyafed  has implemented many programs  aimed at  achieving  this  mission and  fulfilling  the vision with the support of state Government.

National Co-operative Development Corporation (NCDC) empanelled Matsyafed as Cluster Based Business Organization (CBBO) under Pradhan Manthri Matsya Sampada Yojana(PMMSY) in implementing the Project of Strengthening existing Priomary Fisheries Co-operative Societies into Fish Farmers Producers Organiztion (FFPO’s).124 societies are selected for this project.

               The main funding agency of  Matsyafed  are : -

  1. Government of  Kerala
  2. National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC)
  3. National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation   (NBCFC)
  4. National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC)
  5. National Fisheries Development  Board  (NFDB)
  6. Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA)
  7. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) – Department  of  Agriculture





                 Managing Committee (Board  of  Directors)

                 Managing  Director

                 General Manager




  1. NCDC  assisted Integrated Fisheries Development Project
  2. NBCFDC & NMDFC self  loan schemes
  3. Microfinance scheme
  4. Micro Enterprises
  5. Interest free loan to fisherwomen
  6. Loan Distress Relief  scheme
  7. Motorization of country crafts
  8. Subsidy for suitable  components of fishing gear
  9. Bankable  scheme
  10. Subsidy for diesel engine
  11. Matsyafed  Input security  scheme
  12. Production Bonus for fishermen



  1. Net factories
  2. OBM Division
  3. Kerosene Bunks
  4. Vyasa stores
  5. Matsyafed Ice and  Freezing plants
  6. Common pre processing  centre (CPC)
  7. Fresh  fish marts
  8. Matsyafed Chitosan  plant
  9. Fish Manure plants



  1. Fish / Prawn Hatcheries
  2. Fish Farms
  3. Aqua tourism
  4. Ornamental  fishery
  5. RKVY Project in Fish farms



               Planning and Organizing  capacity  building programmes and extension  programmes  for the  total upliftment  of fishing.



              Deals with the  establishment matters.



              Construction needs of the federation is taken up by the  engineering wing.


              FINANCE DIVISION

              Deals with Finance  matter of the  Federation.


              IT DIVISION

              Technical  Structure  and technical  operations of Matsyafed.